Getting Your Application Just Right for Jobs On CruiseShips
When it comes to securing jobs on cruise ships, it’s vital your applicationis filled in correctly with all necessary information included. After all, youdon’t want your best efforts binned before your resume has even been read.
A common mistake made by job seekers when filling out applications is notfollowing the simple instructions asked by the cruise companies.
Take for instance the following example of a straightforward request postedin a recent employment advertisement:
‘Please include a cover letter, a CV/resume and a 6×4 headshot photograph.Post your application to…’
Pretty simple instructions and you’d think nothing could go wrong here. Notso, unfortunately! Would you believe only 61 applicants out of 322, actuallycarried out these instructions properly?
Common mistakes included sending the application by email instead ofposting, forgetting to include a cover letter, sending a full-length photographand not having the correct sized photo.
Fewer than 20% of applicants seeking jobs on cruise ships correctly followedthe instructions and actually made it to the selection process. Amazingly, 261hopefuls never even had their applications considered, all because they failedto carry out even the simplest of tasks. Their application packages were binnedwithout being read.
That may seem a little harsh but the reality of it is this: would you employa person who cannot carry out even a simple instruction?
Cruise companies receive a vast number of job enquiries and applicationseach week. Staff are very overworked and most recruiters have a system in placeto cut down the volume of applications to a reasonable amount. In fact, this istrue in most professions, not just in cruise line employment, so it always paysto follow the instructions right down to the letter.
No matter how vast your experience, how skilled you are or how fantasticyour resume is, if you don’t follow the basic requests your application packagewill go straight in the bin.
* No photograph? – Trashed!* No cover letter? – Trashed!* No job objective?– Trashed!* Wrong size photograph? – Trashed!* No phone number? – Trashed!*Spelling errors? – Trashed!
It’s a simple way for busy staff to whittle down large piles of resumes. Astack of around 200 can be decreased quickly and easily to no more than 30,with the trashed ones only receiving a brief glance.
Don’t let this happen to you. Always do exactly as the application requests,even if it seems irrelevant, like the colour of ink or photo size. Don’t giverecruiters any reason whatsoever to file your application in the bin!
As recruiting staff will tell you, your resume is the most important part ofany application for cruise line employment.
This can be the deciding factor in whether or not you make the interviewstage, so it’s vital your resume not only looks good but also sells yourself toyour best possible advantage.
Follow these tips to create a resume guaranteed to get a second glance.
* Change your resume a bit to make it targeted to each company and role thatyou apply for. This is especially important when you’re applying for severaldifferent positions and cruise lines at once.
* Ensure the layout of your resume is kept plain and simple. No fancy fontsuch as Comic Sans MS or Gothic. Instead, use a clear text like Times NewRoman, Ariel or Tahoma, which are distinct and easy to read.
* Don’t include reams of pages. A maximum of two is sufficient.
* When outlining your job history, use bullet points, again making it clearand easy to read.
* Don’t rely on an automatic spell checker. Check it thoroughly for spellingor typing mistakes and then ask someone else to recheck.
* Keep sentences to the point without rambling. Short and succinct is thekey. Finer points can be discussed in more depth at the interview stage.
* Avoid jokes or humorous content. An employer is unlikely to see the funnyside, even if the job is for a stand-up comedian!
* Always ensure you can back up any data or claims made. This is relevant ifyou’re quoting sales revenues, figures or statistics.
* Don’t leave gaps in your employment history. Always give full details evenif the breaks were for travelling, for instance.
* Promote your strengths but don’t exaggerate. Always make yourself appearhighly employable but going over the top will not impress recruitmentstaff.
Creating an eye-catching, well-written resume is important to make sure yourapplication does not get thrown away.
Follow all instructions carefully and there is no reason why yourapplication won’t be among the 20% in with a good chance of being offered jobson cruise ships!
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